Are You A Runner?


Hello Y’all! Its been a minute 😀 and I hope your week has been ‘Aah-mazing’ so far. If you’re in the States, you know you’ve hit the jackpot when you get to stay home on a Monday and pretend like you’ll sit still and do absolutely nothing…which probably never happens anyways… :/ ha ha.

Over the weekend, I was driving home from the gym. The heat is slowly beginning to creep in and its taking a bit longer to cool the car in between errands which is a mild irritant….but hey! its Texas right :/  So I get to a traffic stop and as i’m waiting on the green light, I see this couple running. I look at my dashboard and its 95 degrees  outside and I’m wondering why on earth anyone would do that to themselves in this heat and my mind flashed back to high school.

Growing up, I went to boarding school…and yes we wore uniforms (the whole nine yards). A lot of people liken it to an upscale lifestyle…but truth be told; I honestly didn’t like it and as much as it did ‘straighten me out’ according to my Mum, I have quite a few pet peeves as a result of my time spent there. I remember we had schedules for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G and it was like boot camp – clock work – day in – day out – year in -year out. 😦 :/ There were days where we were awakened  early in the morning to go running by this annoying bell that sounded like 10 million angry elephants auditioning for the Dallas symphony orchestra at the same time. :/ And I, being the rebel I was back then remember skipping out, jogging over to my big sisters dorm room, climbing into her bunk bed and catching a few more hours of sleep while all the ‘great athletes’ ran their hearts out…’And for what’? my teenage mind would ask. In my mind, a lady was supposed to look like a lady…not the buffed up ‘manly girls’ with deep throaty voices and hairy legs that the matrons were in some way trying to transform them into…Not me sweetie, that ship had left the dock even if it couldn’t sail just yet. 😀 😀

But I do find that in life, we are all runners. Whether you’re running from something or you’re running to something. And for every individual, it all boils down to your state of mind. Scientist say, the human mind is the most powerful thing you could ever come across; but just like any smart machine, it has to be trained, re-set and reprogrammed ever so often in order to function at it’s ultimate best. I like to think that the mind is likened to a computer running programs in the background while you work – in other words, your life as a whole is a product of your mindset… more than anything else.

As you go into this amazing new month of June,  I encourage you (myself included) to take some time to re-evaluate, ponder, breathe and reset your mind so you can be up and running in the right direction – whatever that means in your personal life. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comment section but better still become an amazing Starr reader by following this blog. Until I come your way sooner 😀 I remain

Periwinkle Starr

9 thoughts on “Are You A Runner?

  1. I’m trying to become a runner again! Physically and metaphorically, too. This Sunday I’m running a 5K for the Heart and Stroke foundation. And I’m running in my head in creating a new money growth plan for myself to increase my network in dollars. So yes, I concur, we are all running toward or away from something. In every race, choose wisely and run well! Thanks for posting this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I couldn’t agree more with you sis! Sometimes we run so much and get distracted that we forget to actually re-charge, reflect and take time out to re-evaluate our lives. Thank you for the reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

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