Old Recipes Live Forever!!


Hello Y’all! Happy Mothers Day!!! There are many amazing Mum’s in world but I am lucky to have the ‘BEST’ one! I remember growing up as a kid and having temper tantrums – and there were many – because I didn’t get something I wanted and often saying under my breath that I didn’t  want to be like my mum when I grew up. Well, fast forward to 2018… and I can say for a fact that I am a clone of her…ha ha! Its so bad that I would say something and all of a sudden I would have a dèjá vu moment where I know I’ve heard the exact same phrase before and truth be told, it was something she had said.

There are weekends that fly by so fast because I’m on the go-go-go and there are times where I stop everything I’m doing, kick back my shoes and just chill. On those days, I sometimes like to make homemade pancakes from scratch; and yes I said from scratch (no pancake mixes here), just like my mum made them for me growing up. Those pancakes made everything better and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

My love of cooking and not being afraid to try my hands at different recipes started with a show I used to watch called the ‘Urban Peasant’ a looong time ago. It was about a  funny, easy going war veteran who loved to cook. He wasn’t perfect by any long shot but he made it fun and approachable and if a recipe didn’t turn out great; at least you knew what not to do the next time around. That show had a huge impact on me, not just in cooking but trying new things in life at least once.

Today is one of those days where I’m making a pastry that I grew up eating as a child without a care in the world. The recipe has evolved over the years but I’m of the school of thought that says ‘if it’s not broken, it doesn’t need fixing’! Its very easy to make and so simple anyone can make it…and I mean anyone. So keep reading!!

Recipe for Meat Pie!!!

Crust: 2 Cups of Flour. Salt ( 1 tsp). Baking Powder (1 tbsp). 1.5 Stick of butter. 1 Cup of ice cold water.

Filling: Half a red onion (finely chopped). 1 Medium potato. 16 oz. Ground beef. Thyme.  Black pepper. Cayenne pepper. Cooking oil.  1 Egg for basting. Salt.

It’s super easy! First measure the dry ingredients for the crust into a bowl then add the butter and knead. Slowly add the water, knead some more and set aside. Heat a pan or in my case a pot with cooking oil. Add the finely chopped onions and stir for 2 minutes. Add ground beef. Add thyme, black pepper, cayenne pepper and salt. Keep on stirring. Pour in the finely cubed potato and stir until fully cooked. That’s it for the filling!! Now take portions of the dough, roll out, add the filling, bast with the beaten egg and seal. Bake at 325 F until golden brown. Its so crumbly and tasty without all the heavy bready-ness and it goes with everything!! Here are some pictures below!


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Let me know what old recipes you love to make that work  everytime. Until I come your way again, I remain,


Periwinkle Starr

6 thoughts on “Old Recipes Live Forever!!

  1. I love meat pies! The crust, the gooey ground beef filling and the yummy pieces of potatoes on the inside, what’s not to love!
    It’s a blessing to sit and recollect cherished memories of your mother. It strengthens the spirit to have a mother who shows love in her recipes that lasts in memories long after the plate has been licked clean!

    Liked by 1 person

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